Parameters considered for grading your papers

Hello The following elements were taken into consideration for deciding on the final scores of your papers. Your documents may exhibit one or several of these characteristics.

1. APA style was not consistently used throughout the paper

2. The authors mentioned in the paper were not present in the references section and vice versa

3. The purpose of the paper is stated, but not clearly developed along the document

4. The purpose of the paper is vaguely mentioned and the paper itself does not contribute to achieving this purpose

5. The paper consists mainly of a series of pieces of information put together, but without bearing a strong relationship among them

6. The paper is coherent and cohesive, but it is not interesting to read due to the vocabulary used, the way ideas are organized or the style used by the writer

7. Elements such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization and use of connectors are not used effectively in the document

8. The paper seems to go on and on, but it is not clear where the author is heading 9. Conclusions are somewhat abrupt and in some cases do not consider the ideas presented previously in the paper 10. The paper is either complicated and obscure or too superficial to convey relevant information

9. Conclusions are sowewhat abrupt and in some cases do not consider the ideas presented previously in the paper

10. The paper is either complicated and obscure or too superficial to convey effectively relevant information

Writing Research Papers

Hi all,

This page will help you create or improve your skills when writing academic documents such as critiques, summaries, articles and research papers.

Here you will find some additional exercises and topics related to critiques and annotated bibliographies which are also important topics when facing the task of creating an academic text.

The class will be mainly practical. Most of the Tuesday session will be carried out in the computer lab where you will work independently on looking for resources, finding out information about APA style and reading updated articles so that you can observe the style used in academic writing in English.

Your drafts will be sent over the net so that we can become more eco-friendly.

Enjoy the course